Phelps 5324
Claudio Fogu has published widely in various fields of interest, ranging from history and theory to memory studies, Italian modernism, digital humanities, and Mediterranean studies. He is the author of two monographs, The Fishing Net and The Spider Web. Mediterranean Imaginaries and the Making of Italians (Palgrave, 2020), and The Historic Imaginary. Politics of History in Fascist Italy (University of Toronto Press, 2003). He has co-edited four volumes, The Politics of Memory in Postwar Europe (Duke UP, 2006), Metahistory’s Fortieth Anniversary (Storia e Storiografia, 2015), Probing the Ethics of Holocaust Culture (Harvard UP, 2016), and Procida orizzonte mare. Storia marinara di un isola (Nutrimenti, 2022). He is the current editor-in-chief of California Italian Studies (CIS), of which he co-edited the inaugural volume dedicated to “Italy in The Mediterranean” (2010), and volume 9 entitled “Italia senza frontiere” (2019). He is also a co-founder of the digital journal Zapruder World of which he has co-edited the fourth volume on “Performing Race.” Fogu’s teaching focuses on the cultural and intellectual history of modern Italy, and, in particular, on the transnational formation and evolution of the “Southern Question” (Italian 189X) and on the role that Mediterranean imaginaries have played in “making Italians.” He also teaches courses on modern Italian theatre (Italian 124X) and cinema (Italian 179X and 180X).