William J. Ashby
Professor Emeritus of French and Linguistics

Cynthia J. Brown
Distinguished Professor Emerita and Research Professor of French

Naomi Greene
Professor Emerita of French and Italian

Jody Enders
Distinguished Professor Emerita of French and Theater
Director, The Public Speaking Initiative
Affiliated Faculty, Department of English
Affiliated Faculty, Medieval Studies Program

Harry Lawton
Professor Emeritus of Italian

Sydney Lévy
Professor Emeritus of French

Jack Murray
Professor Emeritus of French

Didier Maleuvre
Professor Emeritus of French and Comparative Literature
Affiliated Faculty, Center for Film, Television & New Media
Affiliated Faculty, Comparative Literature Program

Jean Marie Schultz
Senior Lecturer Emerita of French

Jacqueline Simons
Professor Emerita of French

Jon R. Snyder
Research Professor Emeritus of Italian Studies and Comparative Literature

Ronald W. Tobin
Research Professor Emeritus of French