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Cynthia Skenazi earned a doctorat en Philosophie et Lettres at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, and a PhD in French literature at the University of Michigan. Her research interests include Renaissance literature and culture, Belgian literature in French, aging studies, architecture, and rhetoric. She is the author of Marie Gevers et la nature (Brussels,1983), Maurice Scève et la pensée chrétienne (Geneva,1992), Le Poète architecte en France. Constructions d’un imaginaire monarchique (Paris,2003, 2nd ed. 2006). Her book Aging Gracefully in the Renaissance: Stories of Later Life from Petrarch to Montaigne (Leiden, 2013; 2nd ed. open access, 2014) was named an Outstanding Academic Title for 2014 by Choice Magazine. She edited Marie Gevers. Correspondance 1917-1974 (Brussels,1986), was guest editor of a double issue on "Le Voyage en Europe au XVIe siècle”, The Romanic Review (2003), and co-editor of a special issue on "Altérité et différences à l'aube des temps modernes," French Forum (2018).
She was awarded fellowships from the University of Michigan, the Newberry Center for Renaissance Studies, and received a Borchard Foundation grant.
She regularly teaches courses on the European Renaissance, creativity in Renaissance literature, voyages to the unknown, French and Francophone theater, French and Francophone fiction, Belgian literature and art, and on the rise of individualism.